
Blue Fire Babies!!

jupiter x ballad



ContributorPride - NonbinaryPride - PansexualEaster Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022Rapid Poster - Gold
12-15-2021, 01:48 PM (This post was last modified: 12-19-2021, 10:06 AM by wicked. Edited 4 times in total.)
Complete <3

Name: Sinope
Sex:  female
Height/Build: 32 inches (medium)/light build
Skills: intellect & navigation
Alignment: chaotic neutral
Design: 5, 1. Would prefer not to twin but would be open to plotting some stuff if someone really wants ^^
Appearance: no alterations; in terms of build she's going to be a (shorter) echo of her grandfather.  Grace and power in one, and she'll push herself to be in the best shape possible, always.  
Sinope is hard to win over.  “Viciously unimpressed” is basically her default state.  Strangers will find her chilly, at least until she has good reason to warm.  Frankly, this is a girl that doesn’t just think she’s better than others– she knows it.  In her eyes, everyone is weak until proven otherwise.  Quick to pass judgement, slow to warm up.  Sinope can be detached at best.  At worst?  Downright hostile.  

Lions don’t lose sleep over the opinions of sheep.  In this case, the sheep are pretty much anyone outside the family until proven otherwise.  Sinope is the picture of self love.  That love isn’t always healthy though.  She pushes herself to be the best, and towards a picture of herself that may be unattainable. A hunger lives inside her, and it's the hunger to positively excel in every way possible. A fire that cannot be put out. Her appetite for improvement of every sort is voracious.  Though the pressure of the family name and her bloodline rests on her shoulders, she’s happy to heap even more pressure on herself.  Sinope thrives under pressure.  

She did inherit a bit of her grandfather’s contrarian streak as well.  Sinope lives to cause difficulty for those she’s not fond of, though maybe not in the most outright way.  Anything from petty inconvenience to outright sabotage, she relishes in it.  Sometimes she hinges on pure defiance, especially in her youth.  That may temper with age, but for now she’s happy to push the envelope.  Consequences?  Sinope hasn’t met them.  

From a young age, she’ll be extremely calculating.  This is a girl that’s not above creative dishonesty to get what she wants, and to do what she wants– or needs.  A saboteur to the heart, and to her core.  The best way to sabotage something is to know it inside and out, and learn as much as she possibly can.  Sinope is extremely perceptive, and good at reading others.  Still, she’ll only cause problems when it benefits the family or furthers their aims.  

Family above everything.  Loyalty is incredibly important to Sinope, and always will be.  Her loyalties are to family above all, and she puts the family first in all situations.  They are the ones to see what’s under the crunchy outer shell, and they see how much she cares.  As she ages and realizes that she doesn’t feel any kind of sexual attraction, she’s going to feel self conscious.  Her contribution to the bloodline, however, will come from the time and effort she puts into helping everyone else’s pups grow stronger and come into their own.  

Plots: Sinope in Greek mythology remained a virgin her entire life; outsmarting three gods to do so, and I'm planning on this girl doing the same.  Also, she may undergo an alignment shift after Valentine's eventual death, as it will devastate her. Also, I started a moodboard for her here, but it's by no means complete.