
Blue Fire Babies!!

jupiter x ballad


13+ Years

Pride - GayPride - AromanticPride - TransgenderEaster 2022Rapid Poster - Silver
12-15-2021, 05:40 PM (This post was last modified: 12-15-2021, 07:24 PM by Virgil. Edited 3 times in total.)
BIG WIP but I can't resist those Aeris genes coming through like that, or an astronomy name scheme

Name: Callisto Regni
Sex: Male
Height/Build: 39-41" / medium build
Skills: fighting & navigation
Alignment: Lawful / Neutral Evil (undecided)
Design: 4 or 7 (no twins plz)
Appearance: (Based on #4, first choice)
Coat: Harkening back to the earliest iterations of his ancestry on the continents of Boreas and Auster, to gaze upon him is to know the splendour of the cosmos. Callisto is wreathed in nebulas of magenta, amethyst, and azure. Scattered artfully over his pelage are thousands of golden spots, arranged in myriad unfamiliar constellations over the length of his body. His extremities are dark as coal, and even the tiny specs of stardust across his form are absent over his limbs. Streaks of sapphire frame the soft fur along the backs of his thighs, and mingle with subtle magenta at the point of his elbows. A few broad slashes of alabaster traipse over the curve of his bicep and shoulder, all the way to their apex along his spine. Mirroring them are a pair of brightly hued slashes along the middle of his back, which transition from cerulean at the furthest point, to lavender, and finally to amaranth over his back. At the base of his spine, where his tail meets with his hips, lie two streaks of ivory. Along the mid-point of his tail one will find a few more of those thin sapphire stripes as well, almost indistinguishable from the mingling hues of fuchsia and ebony. Imperialis heritage shines through in his facial markings, where a dark muzzle leads into a pair of kohl-dark bars that flow along the inner corners of his eyes to join with his onyx brow spots. Under each eye, gilded streaks are then lined with a series of delicate silvery spots that are nearly lost among the riotous scattered gold. His tall ears are the same rich black as the rest of his extremities, though the golden constellations that cover the rest of him have managed to climb over the backs of his ears where the fur is thickest.
Eyes & Voice: His sockets have been filled with shining mercury, striking against the celestial patterns painted over his dark visage. Even in the darkest conditions they seem to glow against the shadowy backdrop of his fur. Once Callisto reaches maturity, his voice will be a rich and sonorous croon. While not especially deep and brassy, there will be a musical lilt to his speech that is easily mistaken for an ambiguous accent.
Quirks & Mutations: Callisto bears a rather subtle quirk of genetics which manifested in his teeth. Rather than the long, serrated fangs of his ancestors, his oversized teeth hardly extend past his chin. Upon opening his deadly jaws, one will find that all of his teeth are enhanced. Each tooth is oversized and sharp as steel. Incredibly thick enamel is resistant to chipping and wear, with subtle serrations along their ridges and points. The gap between his canines is uncommonly wide, allowing his oversized fangs to slot neatly against each other, with his lower canines nearly breaching the skin of his upper lip when he closes his mouth. So while his upper canine teeth are the largest of the bunch, you would be wise to avoid contact with any of those pearly whites.
His paws are always fidgeting, he can never keep them still for long. Whenever Callisto is still, he always finds himself fiddling with something nearby. Rolling an errant pebble between his paws, or tearing clumps of grass up by the roots while engrossed in conversation. There is no one around to tell him it's a subconscious predisposition to use his mother's subtle language of gestures, which he will never have the chance to learn.


Plots: Spread that gotdamn Imperialis (-Aeris) blood across ardent. Get real good at fighting, probably aim high in ranks, show no fear or cowardice. But also probably end up being a bit of a shithead/troublemaker.