
paging dr. house




Advanced Healer (90)

Advanced Fighter (70)

11 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11K
12-15-2021, 06:30 PM (This post was last modified: 12-15-2021, 06:30 PM by Deion. Edited 1 time in total.)

While he worked, there wasn't a single complaint uttered. Instead, soft sighs and grunts of contentment punctuated the gentle popping of joints as he worked his way along her spine and down to her hips. The dainty fae graciously accepted his offer of continued treatment, mentioning that she had yet to feel complete relief from the pain in her bones. He grunted in acknowledgement, but needed a moment to process that last bit. Despite all of the painkillers, she was still trapped in a body that ached constantly. That wouldn't do at all. Somewhere over his shoulder he could hear the badger mumbling and fretting, but he paid it no mind. If the little mustelid had a problem, he could speak up properly.

By the time his digits had grasped at the first of her hind paws, kneading her delicate toes until he felt the individual joints of her tarsals give a near imperceptible crack. They became much more mobile after that, and he set the first hind paw down. A few careful extensions of her ankle joint rewarded him with a series of popping sounds, and he set the whole leg back down on the bed. Leaning back onto his haunches was not the most comfortable position for him, but it wouldn't be especially long lived. He did the same with her other hind leg, and dropped none too gracefully back onto all four paws. His shoulders framed her hips and when he loomed over her, the fae seemed childlike in her diminutive and frail state.

"I'm going to put you back on your side now, and then I can get to your front legs." the cosmic titan rumbled quietly, rising shakily to his paws. The bed was just soft enough to have very limited stability. This time around, he pressed one massive forepaw against her right hip and sought to slide it under her belly, twisting her hindquarters as he did so that her legs could be splayed loosely out to one side. A few half steps forward, his heavy paws landing on either side of her petite frame, allowed him to gently coax her shoulders to do just the same. It was harder with the injured neck to be concerned about, but he did manage. With a few hearty slaps of her pillows to adjust them around her head, he tipped her skull so her cheek was back on the pillows. She thanked him for his aid, and he waved an ivory dipped paw in lazy dismissal. "Thank me when you are better." he grunted. Looming a little too close to her face, he frowned at the notable dip beneath her cheekbones. This was unacceptable, she needed to eat more. "How is your diet? You're too skinny." he questioned, and then looked away so that he could lumber back down onto the ground. There was room there for someone to fill him in on that, though he would need time to concoct a proper response later if her diet was unsatisfactory for the massive northerner.

The brute sought to balance his elbows on the edge of the bed and rest with his rump on the floor while he worked on her front limbs. There was the nervous little badger again, speaking up to thank him and remark on the oddness of the treatment. Stretching one of the dame's slender forelimbs, he was rewarded with a crackling in her elbow and a pop in her wrist. Perfect. "My parents were very large wolves, and I had to do this as their bones began to weaken. It does not cure anything, but it can take some of the pain away without needing medicine." he rumbled absently, having finished with the girl's paw and moved onto her other foreleg. Another slow extension, pulling lightly until he heard the pop, pop, pop of the major joints releasing those trapped gasses.

With his heavy front paws thumping back down onto the wood floor, he decided he was satisfied with everything now. "If you do need me to return, I would suggest waiting until night. Lavender makes you sleep, and the massaging relaxes the body. It will help keep your sleep schedule more regular." he said to the dark fae, his expression as blank and unreadable as it had been for most of their interaction. And finally it dawned on him. He had heard her name when the badger had been rattling off her treatments- Laeta. And he had never bothered to give his own. Why did he always do this? "Ah.. my name is Deion." he said then. "My room is just across the hall, should you need me." he wouldn't leave quite yet, he wanted to make some adjustments to her diet if she wasn't getting the right nutrients. Then he would probably take his leave, rather than overstay his welcome and micromanage her entire daily life..
