
I did a bad thing



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
12-15-2021, 07:27 PM

He was absolutely riddled with guilt as he rushed toward the main structure on the island where Chimera and his Queens lived. He knew they were all healers in one way or another and he just hoped that one of them would be willing to help. After the belief that he should never use his more dangerous teeth on anyone had been shaken he had been practicing some of his fighting and sparring on some of the slaves that Chimera had shown him so that he could relearn how to fight with biting and gripping involved. It was a different way of fighting from how he typically did things since usually he was more focused on body slams and trying to knock his opponents off their feet and pinning them down than he was actually spilling blood.

As he started experimenting with it more and more he began to realize how much easier it was to take someone down with the added pain from a bite and how much more satisfying that win was when it happened. This time though he went just a little too far, whether from his own mistake or from the wolf he was fighting resisting and trying to pull away, but either way they weren't in great shape. He paced down the corridors in search of one of ladies of the place, his pale blue gaze landing on Aliana first. He hated to bother her when she was so pregnant, but what if he waited too long and the slave ended up dying before he could find someone else?

With his ears flicked back against his head he hurried over to Aliana with a dip of his head. "Um... I'm so sorry to bother you, miss Aliana... One of the slaves is hurt and I could really use some help."

Ezra Adravendi