
the king wants his gold



08-16-2013, 12:51 AM

She had spent the morning sleeping in, after she had told Cael and his brother everything, she found if very hard to sleep. She had tried poppy seeds among other herbs to help her but nothing seemed to work. She left the den by afternoon to make some use of herself. Clearing out the old bedding and replacing with new. It had taken some time, after making sure Cael would not help her. She wanted some time alone, a soul task or her to do alone. It allowed her to think or to even possibly go blank and move as if in automatic. She knew Cael worried about as did his brother. And she didn't blame them. If the roles had been switched she would be too. But she could not of anything the brothers could do to help her.

Once the bedding had been taken care of she set off to look for food for Cael, Elva and herself. It would not be a grand meal, she was no expert in hunting. But something was always better than nothing. It would not take her long to have gathered a few rabbits for the group. The summer seemed to florish with rabbits here. It was only her way back, taking the long way, did she notice a group. Ears perked up and hackles raised slightly in alarm. She moved cautiously towards them. Sky blue eyes picked out each wolf she knew but two. Making a wide berth around Chrysanthe, Cormalin, and Azalea. She can then to Cael's side, brushing pelt with his and set the rabbits down.

Sharp eyes took in the strangers carefully. The female was large, impossing and those eyes stood out like a wild fire in the dark. The male was intereting. She had heard of albinos but never seen one. She took in every inche of him, rather surprized in the healthy state of condition the male was in. Most albinos had a hard time surviving with the sun alone beating down on them. But n litters of growing up, wolves like him tended to berunts of at least weaker. But it seemed he had defied nature and it's laws. Her natural healer interest had her staring at him like he was some kind of new species. She had to admit she was impressed. But therewas an underlining warning she picked up. The air was to thick and tense, like right before a storm. Something aout these two could mean trouble for the pack. "Is Eva back at the den?" She whispered to Cael softly. She hoped he little fox was somewhere safe and would not come here. Somehing told Imena there could be a fight, a show down of some sortions. A low vibration rippled through her, only loud enough for Cael to hear her dicomfort.