
give me your best shot




1 Year
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
12-15-2021, 08:42 PM

Her challenger did not take long to appear, and to her excitement he was none other then her brother. Basilisk was the other half of her, with markings that proved it. The largest difference between the two puppies was how he towered over her, a fact that had drawn their father to him and encouraged her to strive harder to match the attention. She tried to seem unaffected by his affectionate ribbing, though her markings pulsed quicker in response. I'm not short! Callie wanted to say, but rather then argue when she knew she was in the wrong, the fiery pup instead decided to focus that energy into their spar.

He nudged her and had her pick a ring, and Callie loped over to an unoccupied one further away from the water and settled into a fighting stance. "When I win, you can't call me shorty anymore." She challenged with a playful grin, letting the expression remain on her maw a few moments before turning serious. Tail out for balance, paws spread for traction, her head in line with her shoulders, Callie counted down her defenses as she'd been taught. When she won, she'd be Basilisk's equal in their father's eyes and the two almost-twins would have nothing left to differentiate between each other. It was a day she had looked forward to ever since she was born, and today would be that day.

Calypso allowed her brother to prepare himself, and at his cue launched herself forward. She had received very little formal training so far, so her technique mostly revolved around hoping to crash her body into her brother's and bite whatever was closest, be it cheek or shoulder or limb.

Calypso vs Basilisk for Spar
Round 1/?
Age: under 6 months
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Medium
Mutation 1: Bear Claws - Offensive
Mutation 2: Saber Teeth - Offensive
Mutation 3: Bone Spurs - Defensive
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Intermediate Navigator


While she is underage, Azure, Hanako and Sirius can crash her threads whenever they see fit regardless of tag.

Calypso has grizzly bear claws upon her forepaws, bone spurs on her shoulder blades, and saber-teeth. These may not be visible on her art.
Wherever color appears along Calypso's pelt, the fur there pulses and glows to the beat of her heart. The effect is noticeable, but not at all blinding.