
I did a bad thing



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
12-15-2021, 10:26 PM

Ezra glanced up at Aliana, blinking with surprise when she reacted so dismissively to what he had done. Growing up in The Hallows where spilling blood on pack lands was strictly forbidden and with his father warning him time and time again to be careful with his jagged teeth he had expected a much stronger reaction, but she seemed to act like this was nothing at all and was maybe even common place. He didn't know how to react to that kind of response and as they walked into the area with the slaves' cells he was still bewildered. He walked up to the injured slave's cell with Aliana, noticing how frightened the slave was with another hit of guilt. He tried to not feel bad for the brute, especially considering the fact that Chimera had all but welcomed him to do things like this with these criminals, but it was hard. It was a completely different way of life here in Fenmyre it seemed.

Aliana immediately went to work patching up the slave with an ease and calmness that reminded him a lot of Syanna and he settled back near the entrance of the cell to wait for her to be done. He was relieved to hear that the wounds weren't as bad as he had imagined. There was just so much blood he thought for sure he had caused some serious damage to the man. Of course he knew any wound could end up being fatal if left untreated, but at least Aliana didn't seem worried. What really caught him off guard though was her admitting that Chimera had bitten her even worse before, making his eyes go wide and his face flush. Between just hearing about Aliana and Chimera's sex life and from hearing how Chimera acted with her he was more than a bit uncomfortable—though he did his best to hide it. It made him think of the times that he was with Syanna and how he had avoided even holding her scruff just out of fear that he might accidentally hurt her and now Aliana was showing him all the scars that crisscrossed the back of her neck... His head was practically spinning as he took in the new information.

He was still reeling when she asked him to fetch some red meat for the slave and he nodded, hopping to his feet to go to the food stores and grab some of the requested meat, happy to have a reason to move away from them for a moment. He took the opportunity to give himself a shake before he picked up a chunk of meat, bringing it back and placing it in front of the recovering slave with an apologetic glance. Once Aliana declared everything fixed he was able to relax a bit more, but her mentioning of how she had to be sewn up a couple of times because of Chimera had him blushing again. He wasn't sure what had him more flustered—hearing about Aliana and Chimera's sex lives or the fact that it reminded him so much of his own and how much he had been purposely holding back even though Syanna seemed to want him not to.

As he began to escort her back she asked him about being afraid of his teeth and he gave her an uncertain glance, his ears flicking back. "They haven't really felt like a gift," he muttered, looking at the ground. "My father told me to never bite anyone unless it was in dire circumstances, so... it always felt like they were too dangerous to use." He was quiet for a moment before he glanced up at her again, asking hesitantly, "Do you... like that Chimera bites you like that? Doesn't it hurt?"

Ezra Adravendi