
I did a bad thing



"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
12-15-2021, 10:44 PM
The smile on Aliana's face melted slowly into a sympathetic frown when she saw how dejected Ezra got over the topic of his teeth, and his muttered words of how his mutation hadn't felt like a gift made her heart go out for the young man. No one deserved to feel like any part of themselves wasn't wonderful in some manner, especially not when he had those unique teeth like her mate did! Aliana breathed a soft sigh and nodded her head. "Your father is right to encourage caution when using them, but he's wrong to discourage you from ever using them. Your teeth are a part of you, Ezra. They are a tool, and no tool is inherently dangerous or bad unless you use them for hurtful intentions." She was quiet for a moment while she pondered what else she could say on the subject to make him feel better about his own body. Coming from a state of normalcy, it was easy for her to talk as an outsider looking in when she didn't know the social stigma he faced within his own family.

Fortunately, Ezra gave her the perfect segway into that conversation when he asked—albeit very shyly—about her enjoying when Chimera bit her. Now it was her turn for her cheeks to warm, but sex was such a commonplace thing in Fenmyre, it didn't embarrass her the way it did Ezra. "At first, I didn't. He didn't do it kindly or with any caution to me, and it hurt like hell. It does hurt still, because it's still sharp teeth going into my skin, but there's something... I don't know how to explain it." Aliana furrowed her brow while she tried to sort through her thoughts to explain them to Ezra. "When he bites me now, it's such an intimate act. I'm putting my life entirely in his paws, trusting him wholly. And he gets off on it. He gets to fully unleash himself, satisfy those urges with me. I get to see my mate like no one else does, in this primal form, raw and powerful. It's a moment of mutual trust, respect, and love." Aliana glanced up to Ezra with a bit of a cheeky smirk on her face. "There's really no high quite like it, and even though it hurts, the pleasure that it brings is exquisite—second to none."

Aliana gave a loud exhale as she shook the memories playing back in her head, not needing herself to get all hot and bothered now when she was very pregnant and her mate was sick in quarantine. "I'm sorry, I didn't meant to make you uncomfortable," she apologized with a bashful smile, peering up at the dire wolf through snowy lashes while ears slicked to her head. "I just wanted to show you that there is a good way to use your teeth, and that you should love yourself the way you are, not be afraid of your own body. Be yourself, Ezra. You might like what you find." With her final bit of wisdom imparted to the young brute, Ali continued the rest of the trip back to the estate in relative silence. She'd done her good deeds for the day and felt accomplished with her work.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.