
I smell T-R-O-U-B-L-E



3 Years
12-15-2021, 10:55 PM

Kione could give Bas points for bravery even as he imagined the lion just falling on top of him or just quickly twisting around to bite the boy.  It was Kione’s task to not let that happen.  If the boy could spill open the lion’s contents then it could be a win anyhow.  At this point the lion assumed Kione was the greater danger anyway, it just made sense of adult versus pup.

The lion lunged forward with both paw and fangs coming towards Kione.  The lunge in helped Bas as his teeth would just slash through that much more lion belly with the fool cat moving.  Kione had leaped out of the way sideways.  The lion spasmed in a way that had Kione expect it had just realized the danger it was in from the kid.

The lion turned its head away from Kione and started to spin to try and get the boy under him.  Kione aimed for the head once again.  This time his front paws landed on the giant cat's muzzle, head to the side Kione bit into its left eye, crunching down.  The lion was gutted, the lion’s one eye was destroyed and now it was a raging ball of crazy that was on its death bed.  

backed up quickly several strides, “Alright kid, you did it.  Get away from him.” Death throws were unpredictable and dangerous in that version itself.  How long it took for the lion to die depending on how much blood it would lose.  As far as Kione was concerned it could be a long slow and painful death.

Kione would leave the lion once he was sure Bas also left it without getting hurt.  The lion was thrashing and looked like it would try and flee if it could manage it.  Kione doubt he’d make it through the water.

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