
I smell T-R-O-U-B-L-E



3 Years
12-15-2021, 11:35 PM

The boy was with him so Kione was able to walk them a short distance farther from the lion.  It did mean another two minutes more into the pack land so Kione was paying attention for any sound of angry running in his direction but he was expecting if anyone did notice him they’d be reasonable knowing he just saved their kid.  Kione was fast, if he had to flee no one was going to catch him, at least in his mind.

How had he done it? Hmm, Kione had never bothered figuring out ‘how’ to do it.  “I just did it,” Kione offered after trying to find a better answer. “It’s the same as how I walk, I trust my body to know what to do.” The canid shrugged “experience and repetition I imagine.  You did real good though.  You got the real killing blow in after all.  I bet your family will be proud of you when you say you killed that lion.” Kione glanced back, “even if it managed to cross the water, which I doubt, it won’t get far.  You’ll have your proof.”

Looking back to Bas, grinning at the boy, “if you want to learn to jump like that just find some spot to jump from and mark where you want to land.  Do it a lot till you keep getting it right.  Then try to do it without having to focus on it so much, then make your landing spot smaller and smaller and farther out.  You’re just young, your brave so you’ll get there eventually.” Kione assumed he'd never see the boy again, no harm in offering a few quick pointers out.  The boy would either live and grow wiser and stronger or get careless and die but Kione had offered some advice to up the kids odds even if only a tiny bit.

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