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Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Pride - PansexualTeacherSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterWordy
12-16-2021, 12:24 AM

She was, perhaps, equally surprised that someone had been so quick to welcome her in. Surprised, but extremely grateful. With the world in a dangerous state and the potential for chaos all around them, Halo had found a safe haven. A shelter from the storm had opened up, and been willing to take her in. Actions speak louder than words, and with Halo's quiet nature, it was the actions that would speak for her. She allows herself to relax by degrees as she walks beside the alpha. Numbers meant safety. Two was safer than one. She would be safe here, and even safer once they reached the borders of her new home.

Sirius spoke of the nature of the pack-- warriors. Halo would be able to learn beneath them, train to better herself. That, and she'd be happy to patch them up when they needed it. Already, she was mentally compiling a list of herbs she'd need to keep on hand, things for mending cuts and bites, and to set bones. At the mention of children, her tail picked up from her haunches and wagged. "I love children," Halo admitted softly. Her eyes glimmered softly. The dull roar of pups romping about was something that brought her joy. Usually fairly composed, around them she could be silly. Halo was accustomed to being the cool aunt, a title that she was proud of.

Though the hike had been long, it was a beautiful one. Over land, and then to the hot springs-- she'd have to return and check it out, once things were safe again. At the shallow edge of the river, Halo carefully tested the depth with a paw. With a few light steps, longer than her usual gait, she made her way through the water. It was a biting chill, sending a shock through her system, but a bit refreshing. She had been getting tired, but that was chased away. "Will you tell me about your laws?" Not long yet, they would be there. Halo was equal parts excited and nervous. So it goes with new beginnings.
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