
You don't need to run



Novice Hunter (15)

Advanced Fighter (80)

5 Years

LoserScarredUnderachieverThe Ooze Participant
12-16-2021, 04:40 AM
Laith let out a silent sigh between his lips, feeling his shoulders physically lower in exasperation at Spirit's attempt at pleasantries. Had the other male not figured out by now that it was completely unnecessary? The wolf then began to sniff around the base of the large stone he was perched upon, and he watched with a single raised brow. It just looked like grass, moss, and some flowers, so what the fuck was he looking for?
His head dropped at Spirit's query, muzzle now resting on his front legs, his paws dangling over the each where he gentle waved them, indiscreetly showing his waning interest in the conversation. God, this wolf was a bit of a bore. No imagination at all, going by the apparent struggle at thinking of literally anything to offer in return. Laith let Spirit suffer for a short time, simply watching him silently, wondering what might happen, but then an idea struck him.
The other male was kinda pretty, not stand-out handsome, but he had a few things going for him, and the blue eyes could be an excellent feature if Spirit had the balls to actually make use of any flirtatious tactics. Laith also liked physically larger males, and Spirit was definitely taller, but he was a little too lanky for his own personal tastes. And the personality, bah, it needed a lot of work. Overall though, it was workable.
"How about a kiss?" He said with a suggestive lick of his lips, half wondering if Spirit would even be receptive to the idea. Laith was quite curious how this shy and reserved wolf would respond to such a question, and that thought along made him a little giddy. Even if it was refused, it would be entertaining to watch. "Then I'll help you search for your plants," he added as an afterthought, hoping to sweeten the deal a little.
Laith is an M rated character, thread with him at your own risk!