
i just want the high without the suffering



Expert Healer (165)

Expert Fighter (179)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
12-16-2021, 05:08 AM
The sun had returned and apparently that had been the cure for the sickness because the members of Armada who'd been incapacitated by it were beginning to recover. Things were still slow yet for most of the pack. Aris, who'd not been sick at all, was in a position to herself take advantage of that despite the fact that the promised mentoring had never materialized for her. Just train with Ophie, fuck that. She was tired of being shunted aside with a pat on the head and told to go play quietly with the other less-capables. It was humiliating and offensive. Hell, Azure's kids were barely out of the den and they had mentors giving them training. Aris had "go train with Ophie" and "ask Gossamer" for her mentorship.

Needless to say she was completely avoiding the "train with Ophie" and had made her way back to the battlefield now that the sun had taken away the danger to her mother, father, and siblings that had kept her close to home. She'd been surprised to catch the scent of her pack there already though - damn damn damn, someone had beaten her to the punch. Well, it wasn't anyone she knew, knew, not someone that she'd really met per se, but the sight of him narrowed her eyes. Wasn't he the kid that was from the Hallows? Another stray that her dad had taken in for training? You know, instead of one of his own kids? If that wasn't a reason to spar with him she didn't know what was.

Stalking up to the other yearling she bared her oversized canines in what passed for a grin and squared up. "Hope you don't mind sparring a packmate," she said in a tone that made it clear she didn't really care if he minded or not. He was a lot bigger and heavier than her - a lot - but who wasn't, in the Armada? Or the greater world, for that matter? She'd never get anywhere in life if she backed down from a fight with giants. Even Tansy, hovering watchfully behind her, was itty bitty compared to the usual run of feline companions, but her species was among the most successful hunters in the world. It wasn't the size of the wolf that mattered, it was their tenacity and their fire, and that was something Aris had never lacked.