
paging dr. house




Intermediate Navigator (40)

Expert Intellectual (135)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-16-2021, 10:45 AM

Laeta felt a wave of calm wash over her as he worked through her hind legs, feeling the cracks and pops as whatever was built up within them was released. He was probsbly satisfied that his treatment was effective thus far, but Laeta was the one feeling the benefits. Each of her toes cracked, he maneuvered her to get to her front legs, noting all the while his concerned gaze about her frame. With the hind legs all finished, he gently manipulated her limbs and torso so as to have her laying on her side, to which she had no complaint. At this point, she’d grown accustomed to being physically handled, and over his visit, she began to trust him more. It didn’t take her long to trust those within her pack, something that improved upon joining them not so long ago. She would’ve never let this happen if she was still who she was when she was still new to the Hallows. She still was, compared to her packmates, but her character and personality received a shift in the positive direction. It was a massive improvement for her to allow herself to be touched and handled this way. It showed she trusted her packmates more and more.

As her cheek was back on the (generously fluffed) pillow, Deion waved his paw dismissively at her thanks. She smiled softly - he was blunt, but not arrogant. Rather, he was a humble individual, at least at first glance. Though, he wasn’t a pushover in the least, that was clear. No, he was somewhere in the middle, and she respected that. When he peered close to her face, observing their sunken appearance, he frowned in what seemed to be disapproval. His remark on how her diet was, and that she was too skinny, was replied with a soft but defeated sigh from the woman. The ooze had affected her horribly, among one of its cruel symptoms was her absence of appetite. "The oozing illness took my appetite, and I could barely eat. It’s getting better, but not by much." Mel lifted himself up on his hind legs to peer up at the nebula-pelted wolf, explaining, "I-I do offer her meals, regularly..either by hunting myself or what has been brought to the kitchen below. While her appetite is somewhat improved since the sun has returned, I don’t know how to help her keep weight on, I-I suppose. Sometimes the lady tells me she gets nauseous." It was true. The poor creature had been providing her nourishment, but her eating habits were less than stellar. She sometimes grew nauseous even after a few bites, no doubt some cruel remainder from her near-death at the hands of the ooze. "Mel does his best, I just don’t feel well when I try to eat. It’s better than during the ooze, where I’d be vomiting near constantly - but it’s hard to get more than a few bites down."

As he massaged her front limbs, each one popping as much as her hind ones, he mentioned he’d often apply this treatment to his parents, who were large as he was. Large wolf from large parents, it made perfect sense. She could only imagine how his birth pack looked, or his family. To her they’d probably look like a forest of giants. Then again, most wolves taller then her managed to dwarf her at the same time, both in height and bulk. She was no bigger than a decent-sized coyote herself. The treatment, as the wolf mentioned, was no cure - but she didn’t mind. The pain medicine only worked for so long until her body was able to overcome the dosage, and ache even more fiercely. This method, at least, seemed to slow it for a while longer.

When at last he finished, her body smelling of sweetly soothing lavender, the woman felt a weight lifted from her bony shoulders. Her joints felt less stiff, even if she couldn’t move them, but the relief was there. Even her face seemed much more relaxed, and the leavender scent permeated the room with a calming aura. As he said to wait for his services until night so as to make her sleep schedule more regular, she tilted her chin in a nod of acknowledgement. "I’ll keep that in mind. My sleep schedule has been a bit off." The ooze made her sleep in deep, coma-like states that Mel feared she’d never come out of. Her sleeping was much less terrifying for the poor badger, but even she noticed she slept a lot. Besides talking to her packmates and offering the best help she could for her pack, being in bed all day was sometimes a bit..well, dull. Thus, sleeping was ome of the only activities she could do.

And finally, the healer revealed his name. Deion. Laeta offered a soft smile at his introduction, brief, yet satisfactory. "Well, thank you again, Deion. You might’ve heard Mel mention my name, Laeta. You can call me Lae, as well." His room was right across the hall - convenient, and if needed, Mel could run over and fetch him. "I already feel more comfortable thanks to your treatment." She was already looking forward to the next treatment, seeing as how the male knew just where her bones hurt the most. It was certainly unique, and a talent Deion should utilize for other patients as well. Luckily, ones who weren’t paralyzed as she was.


comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.