
duck duck goose




Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Hunter (103)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
12-16-2021, 11:25 AM (This post was last modified: 12-19-2021, 08:16 PM by Usagi. Edited 1 time in total.)
The journey to this strange land was a shitshow to say the least. His brother might’ve approached their mission with a jovial attitude, but Usagi couldn’t shake of the anger that brimmed beneath his bones. Deciding he would go and hunt something for the both of them - they had to eat at some point, right? -  the koi-patterened wolf huffed crossly as he glanced about his surroundings. He stalked through the murky, tree-infested region he’d stumbled into, his chartreuse gaze sharp with irritation and an expression on his face showing he was less than impressed. This place was so..muddy compared to Iga’s calm woodlands and neat rows of trees. Not that he wasn’t afraid to get down in the dirt if he needed to, and had to at times, but if he could avoid it he would. The earth squelched beneath his paws as he skirted the banks of the swamp-like land, watching for any sign of prey. Sure enough, a few ducks flew into the water not far from him, flapping their wings as they swam about. Usagi scowled, crouching down low to the wet ground. One duck was right within biting reach, and as he sprang and leapt for it, the duck flew from his grasp, landing further out into the boggy waters. Usagi fell into the muck, springing up with a shake of his pelt and a rather pissed-off expression. Hopefully, nobody saw his falter. He’d been a decent hunter back on Iga, but perhaps these creatures were different. But he was also hot-headed and impulsive, and that could make for a difficult hunt, indeed. He sighed, sopping wet and rather humiliated.


wishing there was something left to lose
this could be the day i die for you—