
Remember the Name

Knight Cloud

08-16-2013, 03:24 AM

Jungle green eyes watched the small form ahead of him, she seemed hesitant, wary...afraid. He wondered why though, it's not like he was going to attack her or anything. Even so, she had a right to be afraid...but this kind of hesitation disturbed him. Was he not kind enough? Was it perhaps that his scars and the way he carried himself in a bedraggled manner that frightened her? She looked like she was submitting to him, but for what? He wasn't going to force himself on her or anything like that, so it confused him to see someone do that...even if it was what wolves did, he was never one to bow down to someone who didn't deserve it. And surely he didn't deserve her submissiveness. Uncertain ears pinpointed towards her, catching her soft fumbling and uncertain words as she said but a whisper of the quietest hellos. He tilted his head a little, watching her display. Though she was smaller then him, he had no intentions whatsoever of using her submissiveness or anything to his advantage. Unlike most wolves, he just wasn't one to twist and manipulate to get what he wanted. He never really wanted much, he was a simple man. The only things he wanted were friendship, and loyal love. That was all, and nothing more.

He carefully stepped out of his poor hiding place, revealing the rest of his mottled brown stature. One ear seemed to always hold itself back, while the other investigated what was ahead of him. And this time, he was slightly curious about the newcomer he had found. But he also seemed to have a hesitant air about him as the confusion hit him on how to approach her. He didn't want to scare her, or make her feel like she should be afraid. He glanced uncertainly at his mismatched paws, wondering how best to show her that he meant her no harm.

Unable to think of much to do, he instead lowered himself to his belly and placed his head on his paws as he watched her. Ears slowly tilting forward and backward, unsure. Green eyes carefully eyed her, every other moment looking at his paws as well. Finally, his gaze rested on his white paw as he spoke to her, "You...don't have to be afraid of me...I won't hurt you." He told her gently, his voice slightly wavering with insecurity. It was rare when he ever spoke to another, especially willingly. He had always kept to himself, always hidden himself away from society. But this time, his soul screamed for some kind of contact, some kind of...connection. With something...anyone...he couldn't take it anymore. He was always by himself, ever since his "father" died. Or at least, the man he thought was his father...but that part of his history was unknown to him. Knight grew up within a pack that was not his original one, but that was hidden from him too. Little did he know that he was adopted, that his real father was alive somewhere. Ah, but those were secrets that would be discovered in due time. Something in his soul had always stirred him, like he should know those hidden secrets...but as he was too young then, he wouldn't know anything about them now. But...that tugging feeling had begun to stir within him recently, and he only hoped that he could figure out what for. Perhaps a connection with someone who truly understood? Inside, he always thought that...but nobody ever got close to him. Everyone thought he was just a lost cause, never even bothering to try and connect him with. It was something he was used to...but, here, around this girl...he wanted to try. " name is Knight...Knight Cloud...
He told her, hoping it would get her to ease a little. Hoping that she would understand, that he meant her no harm.

Normal, Think, Speech, You,