
under the moonlight



08-16-2013, 04:50 AM

And so would appear the woman of his past, a crystal vixen of allied blood; her silver coat that of undeniable familiarity, magnificence so effortlessly boosted by the contact of a dribbling moon. For some time he had followed her scent, his evening border patrols had been rapidly cut short by the eccentric aroma. It had ignited a sense of familiarity within his bustling mind, encouraged him onwards despite having no true name or memory to link to its brittle attendance. Though as the feminine creature would leap from the mountainous formation of hoarfrost, connections would rapidly link, sparking with remarkable dumbfound as he would saunter so eagerly towards her; appearing just left of the pines she seemed to aspire for.

Though the angel, a pearly incandescent beneath the silver moon, would fall just short of direct presence; pleasured smirk twitching pale lips as his elegant gait would cease, ruby gaze following his sister momentarily, confirming his assumptions before calling towards her, ?Are you lost, little blue?? he would sway lightly, seemingly blissful within his discovery, a mild sense of exhilaration bustling beneath the pits of his lungs. ?You resemble so greatly my sister, I?ll have you know,? his voice would waver with the chuckles of his play, sure she would recognize him as quickly as he had her. Sendoa had, after all, virtually raised him. Oh, it had been so long, but she was exactly what he needed.