
Blue Skies


08-16-2013, 07:32 AM

It seemed that Aeil had a strange luck about meeting the royal members of the Seracian kingdom. First, Gerhardt had come across her at one of the many pieces of land outside of the great packlands. Unexpected, their meeting was one of the best things to happen to the dark-furred fae. Since joining Seracia, Aeil had come across Epiphron on that one moonlit night. The conversation she had with the Princess (at the time) was a nice encounter for both females, it seemed. Now, she was speaking with Kamala and so far, she didn't really know what to think about the young lady.
For the moment, Aeil was content with trying to make the effort with her. The observation she had made earlier about her having a heavy mind was true, so her concern increased as the conversation became longer. "I suppose so," she lightly chided, chuckling gently to support her statement. "I don't know firsthand what it is like to have such a responsibility on your shoulders, but I hope I can safely assume that it is indeed a job you wouldn't just give to anyone." Aeil's tail flicked behind her as she settled more comfortably on the ground beneath her.
Her light blue eyes shimmered as she then spoke what she had been thinking for quite awhile. "With such a rank, I suppose you have a lot to deal with as well...From the way we have been talking, it sounds as though that you have a heavy mind and heart..." Aeil's ears perked forward as she blinked a couple of times in Kamala's direction. There. She had said it. Aeil quietly waited for Kamala's reaction, hoping it wouldn't be in the complete negative for her.
