
my momma done told me


08-16-2013, 08:03 AM
Say what you wanna say,

And let the words fall out.

Ocena examined Orica sharply, her mismatched eyes fixed on the young female as her daughter began to explain herself. Her words were halting, almost nervous sounding, and Ocena remembered the days when that had been her. When she had tried to avoid letting on about where she'd been and where she was going. Those hadn't lasted for long, though. Ocena had left her pack before she'd really had time to get used to lying, and then she was only accountable to herself. But Orica, it seemed, was a better wolf than her mother had been and she was confessing the truth.

Nodding her head slightly, Ocena lowered her head slightly to gaze into her daughter's eyes. "I'm glad you told me the truth, Orica." Ocena spoke kindly, moving in an attempt to nuzzle her daughter lovingly, "It's all right, my dear. Soon enough, we will all be leaving the borders. There's no point in my being upset." Ocena twitched her ears as she pulled back from her daughter.

Settling back easily, Ocena flicked her tail. "For now, I think this will be our secret. I would rather not worry your father, and there doesn't seem to have been any harm done. I can't force you to never leave the boarders again, but be careful." She would worry about her daughter if she left, of course, but Ocena knew that it was a part of life. Pups grew up and left the nest. They began to explore and wander the world. It was simply how things went. There was no point in getting upset. Worrying, on the other hand, was entirely acceptable.

Coding by lutara/kat

Honestly, I wanna see you be brave.O C E N A ,