
accidental additions to the orphan club

Theory & Raure



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
12-16-2021, 05:37 PM


Despite the jovial tone with which Theory greeted him as she turned about, it quickly trailed off into a more dour disposition as she settled on her haunches before him. As much as he wanted to ask about the new ranks, and where he might fit into them, it just wouldn't be right. She asked what was on his mind, and suddenly he felt the backs of his newly glowing eyes stinging fiercely. No, there was going to be no weeping and begging. He had done something wrong, and he needed to face the consequences. He took a deep breath and steeled his nerves. When he dropped heavily onto his own rump, the very ground seemed to tremble. After all, he was a big boy. No matter how badly he wanted it, the alabaster brute couldn't lift his gaze from his leader's pale forepaws. "I was.. sick. It was when the sun was gone, and everything was so strange." he began, hesitation bleeding into his halting speech.

"I was out by the cliffs, and there was a boy. His whole face was covered in crystals, and he was walking right up to the edge." There we go, boy. Set the scene, slow and steady. Don't lose your nerve now. "I stopped him before he could go over the edge, but I swear there was something out there with us. Every time I looked, it was somewhere else! I tried to ask the boy- Raure. His name is Raure- where his parents were. He was so sick, and he couldn't even see through all the crystals. He said his parents had died, and he was all alone. He didn't know where he was, Theory!" he fought down the rising panic as he remembered the flashes of shadow and the sinister laughter that seemed to come from all around. It had been an incredibly harrowing night, and he still tried his best not to think about it. "And I panicked. That thing, whatever it was, I swear it was getting closer with every second. So..." Solo swallowed down the lump in his throat, glancing nervously up at Theory to try and gauge her reaction.

"I just picked him up and ran." he finally admitted, the words escaping all in one breath, as though he couldn't possibly force them out fast enough. "I kidnapped a little boy, Theory! Didn't even think about it, I just grabbed him and took off." there were those tears again, threatening to well up too fast in his eyes and spill down his cheeks. Fuck, he was such a monster. After a breath or two, he managed to compose himself again. "I understand if you want to punish me, or kick me out. It was wrong. But now I don't know what to do, he's still here. Hiding in my den, while those crystals are finally starting to go away." ebony tipped tail thumped restlessly upon the ground while he stared balefully at the older fae, who he trusted to know the solution to his dilemma. "I'm so sorry, Theory. I don't know what I was thinking, and I didn't mean to cause any problems..." his voice was impossibly quiet, gilded ears pressed tight to his skull in contrition.