
Write To Me & Escape


08-16-2013, 08:16 AM

The excitement that ran in Aeil's veins made her heart race and her outlook on the potential outcome of their future hunt brighter and positive. She had her eyes meet Dragon's as he approached and she couldn't help but simply adore him at the way he responded to her exclamation. It was a reaction she hadn't given to anyone in a long time. The feeling of having the chance to reveal true emotions such as these was nice.
His deep chuckle made her grin grow wider. She watched him as he felt the same about finding something awesome to eat for their lunch. Being able to share that with him was indeed a lovely treat, especially since they hadn't started the hunt! She broke her gaze from the towering inferno and looked out to the land that stretched in front of them. Again, she was ready to eat that yummy oyster.
Aeil followed Dragon as he began to bound across that uncharted land. Her paws touched the ground with ease, carrying her weight forward with her mind working all the time. She wondered where they would go, what they would find, and how delicious it would be. The endless possibilities ran through the gears that turned in her brain, giving her a bit of a rush from the different outcomes. Scents, old and fresh, hit her nose and she then became more serious as she started to search with Dragon. Spending this time with him would definitely be a great memory to hold onto.
A scent that smelled of deer and buffalo combined came from the far north east at their location. Aeil's ears perked, her eyes narrowed, and she slowed her pace as she tried to grasp the ever fading combination. A gruff woof escaped her, tail flicking as she perked an ear in Dragon's direction. "Do you smell that?" she quietly asked, blinking twice and making sure her senses weren't playing tricks on her.
