
HIGHER [ocena plots]


08-16-2013, 09:45 AM
I'll be posting a quick breakdown of all of my characters, and their bolded names will link to the profiles. ^^ Plot ideas that I'm really wanting to play out are going to be bolded under the seeking heading. Feel free to plot basically anything with me okay I love plotting with you guys <3

male . 5 years . ludicael . crushing

Angeal is a fairly friendly fellow, who's crushing hardcore on Liste, a fellow member of Ludicael, though he's not exactly about to admit it. Other than that, he's recently reconnected with Sephiroth, the wolf that he mentored and trained before coming to Alacritia. He doesn't talk much about his past, but he was a warrior before he came to Ludicael, and is doing his best to leave his past behind. With him fully ready to fight Liste's father and his old student coming back, he's not sure how well he can do that, but that's his plottage for the moment.

- a friend for the end of the world
- a wolf to teach/mentor? Potentially a Ludicael pup
- threads with any fellow ludicael members
- friends that will accept him for who he is
- enemies!
- basically anything but romance - Liste has that covered

male . pup . amenti . available
[stubborn][rebellious][serious][self-sufficient][collects stuff]

Calix hasn't gotten a lot of face time, so I'd love to get him some more threads. c: He's a very interesting character, and his home is currently being challenged for by Canttina. He is the son of the current Madame of Amenti, Alena, and has four other siblings. I want to see him start to meet stranger/more interestingly marked wolves and attempt to 'collect' them. Calix will be headed more towards the dark end of the spectrum in terms of characters, and is going to be super fun so plot with him!

- threads with other pups
- family threads
- threads with amenti members
- friends!

female . 5 years . valhalla . unavailable

Daughter of Cormalin, and sister of Cael, Caerul, and Alsander, Claire has recently joined Valhalla after being separated from her brothers. She has recently reunited with her father and brothers and wants to spend as much time with them as possible. She's a handful to look after, and has spent her entire life trying to convince her brothers that no, she isn't about to fall apart and that she can take care of herself. She is closest to Cael, but loves all of her brothers. Claire is currently engaged in a mutual crush on Demonio, and mostly has her plate full.

- threads with any valhalla members
- friends
- spars/arguments
- wolves for Claire to annoy

male . 1 year . snow rogue . single
[quiet][protective][easily angered][insightful][tries to be good]

Galileo is a member of the band of Snow Rogues; wolves who were members of Old Glaciem that left their home when Eos defeated Gargoyle and claimed Glaciem as their own. They then went to Tortuga and left those lands as well upon the realization that Tortuga's volcano was still active. Since then, they've settled for the moment in Soul Sand Cove, but they're far from a pack. He's engaged in being a guide wolf for Sikte, a blind yearling that he has recently met, but he's super fun to play and I'd love to get him out there more.

- sibling threads
- enemies - any wolves who mess with his sisters?]
- threads with any wolves around his age
- some friends
- potential romantic interest? (not for a while tho)

female . 1 year . glaciem . unavailable

Irin is about to be taking care of Seth as a crash course in being a mother, though other than that, she's fairly open for plotting. She considers herself friends with Domovei, but other than that, Irin has few friends, and mostly keeps to herself. Her imagination is her only constant companion, but to her, that's more than enough. She's been burned a couple of times by wolves who only want things from her, and because of that, she's very careful when forming friendships. Even though she's a member of Glaciem, she's met very few of her fellow packmates. She is now the adoptive mother of Seth Jaeger, despite her young age.

- friends - Irin needs love okay
- wolves to hate on Irin!
- drama of any sort
- threads wiff Glaciem members

female . 2 years . seracia . single
[quiet][respectful][observant][loyal][slightly rebellious]

Temporary Princess of Seracia, Kamala is starting to feel better, despite the funk that she has been in recently. Things have started to look up for herself and for Seracia as a whole, and as a result, she's getting to be more social and happy again. She's getting a well deserved rest from drama but that doesn't mean she doesn't need more :D

- allies in other packs (especially ones Seracia is allied with)
- actual friends
- threads with Seracian members
- someone for her to crush on because I need to torture her more :D

male . pup . ludicael . unavailable

Though he is the son of Ludicael's Sol (or Alpha), Oberon himself holds no special rank. His father is Marvel, and his sisters are Ananke Illiadis and Aegira Illiadis. He is closest to Gira, who calls him Twinkletoes, but he is fiercely protective of both of his siblings, and his mother too, to an extent. He has only left Ludicael's lands once, and when he wandered away, he met the daughter of Morphine, Artemis, one of the few wolves that he has found himself able to deal with for extended periods of time, other than his sisters. His home is currently being challenged for by Oddity, an ex-Glaciem member.

- puppy friends <3
- enemies yes
- threads in general
- basically anything i'm not too sure here

female . 5 years . snow rogue . taken
[outgoing][happy][sweet][family oriented][accepting][mother]

Ocena is mated to Gargoyle, who is the leader of the Snow Rogues, and is the mother of two litters. Her first litter comprises of Avalon, Galileo, and Orica, while her second includes Galahad, Odette, and Oracle. She's happy to wander, as long as Gargoyle is at her side, and is already making plans for a third litter. She adores her family and will do just about anything to make sure that they're safe and happy during their travels. Her plotting is fairly limited at the moment, as she's mostly going to be contained to her den to keep an eye on her newest litter of children, but there's no harm in making plans, right? :D

- threads with any Glaciem/Tortuga members - she's interested in meeting the new stewards of her old homes
- threads with her kids <3
- more friends!
- any sort of threads
- drama since Ocena's life has gotten pretty good