
you snooze you lose (levi vs cal empire race)



Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

3 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDerby WinnerBy the skin of my teethPride - AsexualHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
The Ooze Participant
12-16-2021, 08:31 PM
Levi smirked a little, smug as he watched fire course through her coat. He wasn't sure why she cared so much as in his eyes what their parents thought really didn't seem like such a big deal, but then again he knew in part he was different from the others. And not just because he was so small. At the mention of their Mother he let out an undignified snort, out of all their family she was the worst when it came to fussing. He wouldn't hear the end of it if Cal went tattling to her, making Levi double down on his focus to beat her fair and square, just as he was capable of.

"Whatever." He dismissed, digging his claws into the ground as he rolled his shoulders in preparation.

And then they were off!

Kicking as hard as his hind legs would allow, Levi knew he'd have to work double time to keep pace with his long-legged sister, but even then he wasn't too worried. He'd already beaten a girl twice their age and height, if he could overtake someone of that size and limb length then this should be a little easier. Still, this was a very serious affair and Levi was no slouch. His tiny paws thudded against the ground, leaving dainty tracks in his wake as his heart rate began to pick up the pace, as though falling into rhythm with his gait.

Levi vs Calypso for Race
Round 1/2
Age: under 6 months
Size: Extra small
Build: Light
Skills: Intermediate Fighter & Intermediate Navigator
[Image: dZNVqTH.png]