
Matters of the Heart


08-16-2013, 10:54 AM

Solaine was the first up and alert. She was clearly curious as to what was going. Soleil called to her tenderly, bidding her out of the den but not answering her questions. They were just going out to stretch their legs and play, nothing more. The pale female with dark rimmed eyes could only imagine what her precious daughters thought was happening. A grand adventure, surely.

Gael arrived but Soleil didn't notice at first, her head in the den calling to her dark faced daughter who was still in the den. When Collision arrived she turned to look over her shoulder. Catching his loving smile, she gave him one in return, then noticed that Gael had arrived and Azalea was just coming through the undergrowth.

Her heart throbbed with a painful amount of joy to see her eldest children, now nearing two years old. Had it really been two years since she had first passed new life into this world? She looked back to the den, wondering if Guinevere was too tired to come out and join them. Knowing the child was healthy as a horse, she abandoned her attempts to coax her out figuring she would leave the den when she was ready.

Soleil approached Gael with a waving tail, her ears folded back and her blue eyes filled to the brim with affection. She stopped though, Azalea giving Gael an odd look before brushing by toward the food that Collision had brought back with him. Soleil's gaze followed the girl, sighing heavily and shaking her head before looking back to her darling son.

"Gael," She greeted before embracing her son. She knew he would return her love, where Azalea was likely to act like she was being murdered. "Come on, its alright, meet your sisters and have a bite."

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