
you snooze you lose (levi vs cal empire race)



1 Year
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
12-16-2021, 09:25 PM

Levi's light pawsteps could be heard at her side and Calypso's head turned sharply to watch him run, shocked that he was able to keep up with her thus far. Those tiny legs? Her long legs? The math didn't work out, but she couldn't spend too much time thinking about it lest she fall further behind. The finish line was in sight and Calypso's firekissed paws hit the ground hard again and again as she ran.

A small part of her wanted to shove her brother aside, to make him lose, but this was a competition and there were witnesses. It was not worth it, and while her father might approve of the dirty underhanded trick, he'd definitely disapprove that she was forced to resort to it at all.

Her neck stretched out, her markings pulsing hard and fast as her overworked heart beat faster and faster. They were nearing the finish line, and soon the whole pack would know that Callie was the fastest of them all.

Calypso vs Levi for Race
Round 2/2
Age: under 6 months
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Medium
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Intermediate Navigator


While she is underage, Azure, Hanako and Sirius can crash her threads whenever they see fit regardless of tag.

Calypso has grizzly bear claws upon her forepaws, bone spurs on her shoulder blades, and saber-teeth. These may not be visible on her art.
Wherever color appears along Calypso's pelt, the fur there pulses and glows to the beat of her heart. The effect is noticeable, but not at all blinding.