
Crafting snares and futures



High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-16-2021, 09:51 PM

“I wouldn’t make a good healer,” Rudy seemed confident in that statement, a small crooked smile on his face, “I’m better at needing healers than becoming,” Rudyard hesitated as he considered his words, “one.” He still finished the sentence.  It had been a funny joke before Oxx but now it stung a bit too much.  Scrapes and trouble that he got out of were funny real damage was different.

“I use to want to be a spy,” It was still a fun notion but Rudy also enjoyed doing things that tended to be flashy and would be very un-spy like.  The best he could do was hobby-spying.   Winged wolf?  Rudyard thought back, brow furrowed, “I’ve seen Mortis before, and yah he was wings.  No doubt on that!”  It was a pretty crazy sight but it seemed equally crazy and sad that he couldn’t fly despite having them.  “He doesn’t fly though, at least never saw him fly and I think I heard he couldn’t.”

She really seemed keen on the owl so, “If you want we can try to find you an owl at some point.  Try to strike a friendship sorta bargain if you want to go that route.  Maybe Reddy could talk with it about the benefits of teaming up with a wolf."  Who knew what Reddy would think of the idea.

Another lick and Rudy thought of returning it but she was already back at work and Rudy chose instead to play teacher for a bit longer, at least until she finished.  Rudy snorted in mock irritation when she tied the knot so easily.  “Student is better than the master,” the motley wolf growled in that same fake irritation.  After the act, he leaned over to lick her muzzle twice to make up for having not returned her kiss right away.

“Well, now we take that and go catch some food for dinner.”
