
Come Hither, My Craft Fellows


08-16-2013, 11:39 AM

It was strange to be around the group once more, to be surrounded by a sea of unknown faces. Not that it was especially large gathering but it was still the largest he had encountered since the pack meetings. The normally solitary male shifted uncomfortably, remaining slightly detached from the group of wolves who at least seemed to know of each other. And so he waited and allowed the conversation to ebb and flow around him, after a short time his name was spoken, slipping easily from the white female's lips who had called them together. The smallest of smiles slipped across his lips as he dipped his head in greeting to the lead healer of Valhalla. He and Aislyn had argued about her a few times, especially after Friction had secluded himself and refused to be around anyone. He had chosen rather to keep the sickness contained and handle it himself. It had worked fair enough once he had realized what was wrong with him. Blood poisoning was never fun. But the rest of the faces here were foreign and unknown to the male. When Aislyn had still been here he had wanted to start to get to know his pack, to become a bigger part of it but since her passing he wanted to do little other then sleep his days away. He knew that eventually he would have to rouse himself and continue with Liberty's training or else Aislyn would never forgive him in the afterlife but for now he needed some time to heal.

"Of course ma'am" he murmured softly, voice barely above a whisper and more out of politeness then a desire to actually show he what he could do. His mother had been the Erani of Taiyae pretty much, her knowledge of herbs had stretched so much further and wider then Friction could ever hope to know. She had spent three and a half years teaching him what she knew and he had soaked it in the best he could but after the flood he had once again withdrawn, his mate had passed in that flood as well as many of their other pack mates who hadn't been so lucky. Some of his family may have passed as well but he didn't know the extent of the damage. His mothers wish was that one day he would have taken the position of either medic or commander to replace her as she continued to grow older. But everything had vanished in the blink of an eye just as it had here. Since then the older male had practiced his art a few times and still remembered the majority of what he had been taught but knew there was much he had left to learn. Maybe he would learn it from these other healers or maybe he would just fine tune what he already knew. It would probably be left up to this white female to choose his fate.

What did they know? Not wanted to be the first to answer he waited for someone else to start them off. A young boy that Aislyn and he had also spoken about spoke up, outlining the basics of his knowledge and speaking what he wished to learn. Friction allowed a bit of silence to stretch on to see if anyone would reply before he finally cleared his throat to make note that he would share next. "I haven't considered myself a medic or a healer since I left my old home but at one point I knew most herbs, their locations, climates and how to properly dry them if needed. I have dealt with births, diseases both of mind and body, wounds both above and blow the skin. But as I said it has been some time since I have practiced on a more consistent basis and I don't know these lands well enough to know where all the herbs are." he said, voice slow and soft as he spoke, gaze cast towards the ground. Aislyn had called him pretentious when he had spoken of his abilities before and it made him a bit nervous speaking of them now. In Taiyae he had felt confidant of his abilities, now they drifted somewhere in the back of his mind and thus far he found no issues drawing them to the fore front when needed in emergencies but to be asked of them he could no longer recite like he once could.