
Lets get started

Halo <3



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Pride - PansexualTeacherSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterWordy
12-17-2021, 12:09 AM

Lia had the foresight to pack lunch, and Halo was grateful for that as well. In general, smaller meals were usually a "catch it or don't eat" scene. The idea that there was just food on hand, and they were cared for and well prepared for anything and everything was just... it was incredible. Everything about this experience was already blowing the tenderhearted girl's mind. "Incredible," she breathed. The idea that he did that all himself. Halo made a mental note, and would remind herself to ask if he needed help when they met later. If she could help him with the smoking and drying process, maybe he'd let her use just a bit of the space to dry herbs for winter. That, and he already had so much to do, surely it couldn't hurt to offer help. "Ah, sorry. It's just a lot to take in," Halo's tail wagged softly, moving carefully out of the stockpile. It was here that she turned and cocked her head to the side softly, watching Lia as she closed it. Right, the seal on the door was important, and Halo would need to learn how to operate it properly.

As they moved to the north west, Halo's steps over the ground were careful. The grass in some places was so immense, so incredibly tall... Halo couldn't help but feel a bit of amazement creep in. Lia explained that they'd set a boundary so no one could trample her plants, which sounded good. If Halo's plants were disturbed, it would likely hurt her tender heart. She took careful note of the sun where it hung in the morning, and then where she could predict shadows would be cast at different parts of the day. Humming softly to herself, the girl set about choosing a spot. "Here looks good, don't you think?" Halo paced a long but thin rectangle in the rich soil, digging a spot in each projected corner before settling back to take a look. "One side is fully shaded, one side is in mostly full sun, and in the middle it's a bit of both." She considered for a moment, peering at the sky. At least, if her calculations were anything close to right, that was her plan.
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