
Come Hither, My Craft Fellows


08-16-2013, 12:29 PM


She listened to the gentle words of the Healers. Followed by the mingling voices of those telling of their abilities and what they wanted to learn. Did this include her? Erani knew of her abilities. She waited for a pause in the chatter to speak up. "You know most of my skills, but I've given it some thought, and I think I'd like to focus my skills mostly on being a den mother, helping with birthing's, caring for ill pups and such. But I won't limit myself so I'd like to learn a bit of everything else." There was a faint spark of interest as she spoke, as though for a moment all her troubles were forgotten for a moment.

Gems settled on Erani, hoping for her approval in the direction she wanted to take her training, there was no doubt that the Healer could get her there. Perhaps it would bring a distraction that would settle her mind and soothe her wounds. It was painful doing nothing. She was desperate to do something, anything. She had fallen silent, giving Imena a chance to talk and explain her abilities. Once again her gaze focused on nothing and everything. Audits twitched, listening, aware of her surroundings even though she appeared to be lost in her own world. Idly, she wondered what would become of the male, would he found? She would rather not have to see him again. She suppressed a shiver, flexing her toes beneath her tail.