
Let The Sun Touch My Face [AW]



Advanced Healer (70)

Advanced Fighter (70)

4 Years

Ooh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantIt's a Miracle
12-17-2021, 02:57 AM
She would do her best to remember the directions Ardyn provided her with, but there was no guarantee it would all stick after a few weeks, or even a few months. But she would absolutely remember the name of the pack, and his mother's name, should she ever come across her in the future. The grin he gave her was returned enthusiastically, and she could only imagine the beauty of his mother to have produced such a handsome wolf. "I look forward to it."
Her head cocked to the side as he explained his fur, studying the strands a little closer with keen eyes. Maybe if there was a particularly orange or red sunset, he could blend in a bit, but the glimmering was so eye-catching she was sure she'd spot it from miles away during the night or a clear day. The cloak was a good idea though, and she could understand the necessity of it when hunting. A soft squeal of delight left her lips when Ardyn wiggled his toes, allowing her to see the strangely elongated digits, and the extra claw that was positioned lower down to form another toe. It looked very similar to the hands of primates, and she could understand now why he was so good at making these traps.
"You should definitely do that, it'd be a good look on you." With his longer mane and tail some decoration would really bring attention to them, and accentuate them in a way that'd be eye-catching for sure. Her gaze shifted only momentarily to the bird at his side, taking note of the also glistening feathers and offering a grin at it, but for the most part she was focused on the wolf. Inoki took a few moments to think about Ardyn's question. "I'm a traveler, I only recently found my way here. I came here in search of knowledge, particularly about herbs and such, and to broaden my horizons and meet new wolves and see new places." She was a free spirit, going wherever her heart and mind wanted to take her, so she didn't want to be in one place for too long at a time. At least not for a little while.