
I'm waiting for my pay in full




Novice Hunter (15)

Advanced Fighter (80)

5 Years

LoserScarredUnderachieverThe Ooze Participant
12-17-2021, 03:20 AM
His ears flattened back along his skull as Gilgamesh brought his face closer until they were nearly muzzle to muzzle. He could see the glistening saliva on the teeth of the other male, and he found himself sinking lower down to the ground. Laith's nose crinkled in annoyance, not only at the brute, but also at himself for being such a fucking coward. This asshole was just rubbing it in now. He got it already; he fucking lost. There was no need to humiliate him any further, and that included stealing from his perfectly curated pile of fruit.
"I do a lot of things others don't think is right," he mumbled in response, sounding like a pup who had just gotten scolded for doing something naughty after having been warned not to. Thinking for a moment that Gilgamesh was done tormenting him, Laith let out a soft but high-pitched sort of wail behind clenched and bared teeth when he plucked out an apple that he hadn't managed to cover with his body. It was a far cry from any sort of snarl, as he didn't want to antagonise the brute any further, but to see his fruits be picked off one by one and and being unable to do anything about it was torment.
He tried to pick his words very carefully so as not to get a pair of very large jaws to the face, but still wanting to get his point across. There were only a few ways to tell someone to fuck off without also pissing them off. "Look man, you won fair and square, you've eaten a bunch of fruit, can't you just leave me in peace now? I wasn't bothering anyone till you showed up and made a fuss." He stared up at Gilgamesh as he spoke, but he was in no way begging for the other wolf to leave. He was above that regardless of how deep into shit he could get. "You can even take some of mine as you leave," Laith begrudgingly added, figuring that the best way to make him leave was to give him what he wanted, and he seemed to want his fruit.
Laith is an M rated character, thread with him at your own risk!