
Fight me bitch




1 Year
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
12-17-2021, 04:51 AM

Calypso was on a high of sheer excitement, having not only met a new friend in Halo, but having been rescued from certain death in the tall grasses to the west. Though her new friend had taught her to navigate by the sun so she would not get lost again, Callie now respected the grasses for their towering height. She moved east into the along the ocean shores and gave the maze of green a wide berth.

The faintly familiar color of purple flashed by in the distance and Callie leaped up onto a rocky ledge to better see. She knew little of her aunts and uncles, though while the pack was dragged under by sickness their appearances had been explained late at night in the den. Family was forever or something like that, and it was enough that the brightly colored and faintly glowing pup was confident as hell to gallop herself into Aris' space with a good natured demand.

"Aunt Aris!" She called out, skidding her paws along the sand in a failed attempt to look smooth in her halt. "You're small, like me! Can you fight? Can you show me how to beat the bigger wolves? Can we do it right now?" The pup's glow intensified, pulsing more rapidly as her heartrate kicked faster from excitement. So far she'd met no one who'd turned down a friendly spar, so it didn't even cross her mind that Aris rejecting her would be a possibility.


While she is underage, Azure, Hanako and Sirius can crash her threads whenever they see fit regardless of tag.

Calypso has grizzly bear claws upon her forepaws, bone spurs on her shoulder blades, and saber-teeth. These may not be visible on her art.
Wherever color appears along Calypso's pelt, the fur there pulses and glows to the beat of her heart. The effect is noticeable, but not at all blinding.