
Crafting snares and futures



"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-17-2021, 04:48 PM

Emotions are strange, ebbing and flowing like ocean waves. One-minute Fern had been sad and afraid that was alone. Now? She sees a bright future in front of her and it almost frightens her. Does she really deserve this happiness? Is she worthy of being so close to Rudy? Doubt tries to tug at her, pull her away from this beautiful moment. Her response is to lean into Rudy, letting the touch drown out the dark thoughts. He tells her not thank him and Fern shakes her head, a small smile dancing across her lips as she says, “You don’t understand Rudy. I don’t care if you keep your word or not, I am still thankful for your kindness and your presence. I just…” Head slowly shakes again and she shrugs her shoulders unable to give voice to how truly grateful she is to just be here, with him.

As he rests his jaw on her head, Fern sighs contently, letting her fear melt away. Rudy speaks in a tender, soft voice, reassuring her, in his own way. Then she is pulling his head toward her, telling him why she has faith in him and pulling in him for a kiss. For a moment, the doubt resurfaces, trying to tell her she is stupid and he will never love her. The thoughts scatter as their lips met and Rudy returns the kiss. She melts into the moment as pure glee zips along her nerves, making her paws feel tingly and her face becomes hot. When the kiss finishes and she leans back into him, her request for him to teach her to fight is met with confirmation.

Lost in her thoughts, trying to merge the fact that Rudy returned the kiss with her feelings of love, Fern is shocked when he suggests running the border and then do more solid training. A giggle bubbles out as she says, “I didn’t mean right now Rudy, I just mean, please teach me to be a fighter. I have to become strong so I can help you fight Oxx.” Her voice is soft and light, trying to be encouraging and kind. Fern stills remembers his words but now they a spur of determination because there is no way she will allow Rudy to face that brute without her. However, right now, there are much happier things to think about, like the fact that Rudy just told her he loves her too.

Giddiness floods her, causing a large, happy smile to appear and her tail to thump the ground heavily. Heart pounds and Fern resists the urge to kiss him again. Instead, when moves to pull away, Fern wraps her front legs around his leg that is closest to her and says, “Please Rudy. That can wait. Just… stay here. With me. I want to know more about you. Please?” She pleads with him, not ready for this dream to end yet. The longer they sit here together, the more everything feels right in the world. Fern doesn’t want that to stop.


Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.