
Finding Home



Intermediate Healer (30)

Intermediate Intellectual (40)

6 Years
Extra small
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-17-2021, 05:48 PM

The past season and a half had been particularly hard for her. Not only did her blindness make it hard to be on her own, but the voices that plagued her up until the last couple of weeks made things more difficult because she often couldn't tell what was real and what wasn't. Whether someone was actually there or not. Though she still retained peripheral vision, it still wasn't easy and her paranoia had grown when she had to constantly turn her head to make sure she was actually alone and not about to be ambushed by another predator or someone who wanted to take advantage of her while in that state. She decided then, that she would find the closest pack to her instead of blindly searching around. If this one turned out to not be a good fit, she was hopeful they'd at least let her stay for a short time while she figured things out.

Forging ahead, she walked with her head tilted slightly so she could see the path in front of her. To her surprise, she came upon a wall that was erected around what seemed to be the perimeter of a pack unknown to her, judging by the scents that assaulted her nose. Tired, hungry, and on edge, she approached the wall and cautiously sniffed at it. This sort of thing was foreign to her, and she wasn't sure where or if there were any openings she could find so that someone might see her better. But all things considered, she opted to tilt her head back and sing a soft howl to whomever might be able to help her.
