
I've been thinking about you all day baby


08-16-2013, 02:52 PM

It had taken every ounce of will power to push herself over the border. She wasn't going far, just outside the pack, home was just a brief run or call away. She sat at the edge of the lake, the cool water kissing her toes. It was still summer, bring with it never ending heat. And what made it worst, was it was her birth season, bringing her into heat every damn summer. The sweet perfume followed her like a cloud, never leaving, seemingly amplified by the heat that radiated off her. Being a healer had its advantages though, she knew just which herbs to ease her burning need.

She had come out here with the intention to gather a few herbs, but rather she found herself at the lake. Enjoying the cool breeze that rolled off the waters, ruffling her fur. Every sense was on high alert, she was set on edge. But she refused to be confined to her own home, to be a prisoner. Stilts slide forward, carrying her belly deep into the cool water. It felt amazing against her heated flesh. Crown dipped to lap up some of the clear liquid. The wind didn't favor her from this direction, blowing her perfume all over the place.

With no intention of lingering long, she turned to the exit the lake, ready to return home. Jaws parted, salmon ribbon lolling out of her mouth in an attempt to further cool off. She craved the coolness of her den right now. She shook off the thoughts of what else she craved. With a huff, ivory paws kissed the earth, plume swaying behind her. A brisk trot would carry her to the safety of Valhalla.