
This Could Be Different

Azzurra, Chimera



2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
12-17-2021, 08:51 PM

When Balthier had presented the idea of joining a pack he had been invited to she was only slightly hesitant to do so only because it was a pack she had never heard of and didn't know much about. She was of course willing to trust Balthier's judgement on the matter and agreed to join the pack fairly easily. She was at least relieved to be living somewhere that she both wouldn't feel like such a burden on Balthier and would hopefully feel a bit more independence from him as well. She loved him dearly and nothing would change that, but she couldn't shake the slight unease she had felt since the night that they fought and he stormed out because she kept pressing for him to tell her what was bothering hm. She hoped that having other pack members to lean on would give her just a bit of breathing room so she wouldn't worry so much about upsetting him again.

They reached the shore of the pack and she joined her brother on the beach as he called for their alpha, glancing up at him with a slight smile as he rubbed her back. Hopefully living here would go more smoothly for them than living in Abaven had. Soon enough a male that was nearly split down the middle between dark and light approached them and she looked up at the massive male curiously. This was very obviously the leader Balthier had told her about even before he introduced himself with his name and title. She gave him a little dip of her head in return, offering him a gentle smile. "Azzurra Destruction," she replied in kind. He seemed nice enough so far and didn't give Azzurra any reason to be nervous of him so she relaxed a bit now that she finally had a face to go with the description she had been given.

She got to her pale paws once Chimera began to lead them through the jungle of trees and plants, her sapphire gaze roaming over the landscape as they went. Eventually a row of buildings was revealed to them and she tilted her head with curiosity at them. She had never seen structures like these before. The closest thing she had seen was the castle they had visited when they had gone in an attempt to see their mother the one time, but these were much smaller and more numerous than that. She was surprised, but pleased when they were told to pick one of these bungalows and she looked at them briefly before getting Balthier's attention and pointing out one that sat on the shore with a cluster of palm trees around it. "How about this one?" It looked like it would be easy to get the raft up to this portion of the beach at least so it seemed like a good one to claim.
