
7 in the afternoon




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
12-17-2021, 08:52 PM
The attention was a bit disconcerting, but it had a level of focus to it that Lyra honestly admired about the young and small female. Curious, seemingly dedicated and a fast-thinker. Lyra could support that whole-heartedly; she was a fan of seeing that in any wolf, young or old. Seeing it in this woman was quite frankly gratifying and she appreciated seeing it, and being a recipient of the focus. She nodded slowly to the sympathetic statement, her head almost cocking to the side as she considered her words. It was difficult as far as prey was concerned, but thankfully not otherwise too difficult for her. She did not suffer from any of the variants of the disease. She had even heard rumours of some being killed by it. She was by far one of the luckiest wolves in the entire world when it came to this... plague or whatever it was. Was the sympathy genuine though? Who would offer sympathy, true sympathy, for an utter stranger?

"It was," she confirmed. "And yes, I believe it was much, much harder for those actually afflicted. I have heard rumours of some dying from the disease... or whatever the hell it was." She knew she had seen prey that had appeared to die for no 'apparent' reason if you ignored the mushrooms, crystals, or ooze on them. "My family seems to have escaped relatively unscathed as welll, thankfullly." She wasn't entirely sure, but she was pretty sure nobody she cared about died. Suffered, maybe. Probably. Especialyl with the explosion of wolves her family did recently.

Very quickly, though, the other wolf changed the topic. A wry grin twisted onto her face, and she looked up and down the wolf. "I do believe I'm the old here, though you certainly fit the little." Snark was fun. Snark was amusing. Snarking a wolf that was the size of her as a puppy was even more amusing. "However.... I do believe I can get us out. No promises on us being extremely wet by the end. With my size and weight, it's just about impossible for me to nimbly move around without getting decently disgusting."