
We're goin on a rhino hunt



8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Witches HutSilver Medal 20201K
12-18-2021, 03:06 AM
Although Magnus had insisted on joining the hunting party and argued that he wouldn't slow them down, he couldn't have been more grateful with the nearly adult pack mate offered him a ride on the wagon he was asked to pull for the meat they were going to be bringing home. Although his hair was gone, it was regrowing slowly each and every day. He still wore his cloak to keep himself protected from the sun and prying eyes of others, but he was growing confident that his coat would return sooner or later. Next time he'd think twice about taking a bath with a strange ball of mud from an even stranger creature. He didn't know what he was thinking in the first place believing them, but there was little he could do about it now.

He didn't like leaving the safety of the Armada, but he felt like the fresh air and change of sights would be good for him. He hadn't ever been Auster, that he knows about anyway, and was interested in seeing what was down there. He knew of a pack, but beyond that it was completely uncharted territory to him. It took a few days to get there, and even some more time to get to where the young ashen boy was taking them to hunt. He was well rested through the trip wit the frequent wagon rides, but was careful to give the kid breaks sometimes. Besides, he'd have to walk the whole way home. Better get used to it now.

When Takeshi found a good target, an older rhino cow that looked as if he would keel over at the mere sight of a gang of wolves, Magnus agreed that it would be the best animal to go for. While he'd never hunted a rhino before, they definitely looked like a hard animal to bring down.

Magnus has a silver horseshoe septum ring, poorly cropped (long) ears, and bright blue crystal goat horns that may not always appear in his art
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