
Three, Four, Preddie Lock The Door

Predator Fight



Advanced Fighter (80)

Beginner Hunter (0)

5 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
12-18-2021, 02:54 PM

He'd been traveling here and there, exploring the world now that all the strange glowing things were gone and the sun had returned. Ifrit felt much better, almost as if nothing had happened, but he'd forever keep the memory of all that had happened. He wrinkled his nose at the thought of the crystals that had grown on his body. Those days sucked, but at least he didn't have to deal with it anymore. Walking quietly through the forest, fog swirled around his feet and he heard the occasional scuffle of a small animal under the leaves. Though there was another sound that got him on guard. A much larger creature was nearby, and from the sounds of it, another wolf.

He narrowed his eyes and moved forward to investigate, though he spotted the white pelt of the polar bears he was familiar with. What was one doing way over here? He lifted his lip in a quiet snarl as he caught sight of someone else jumping in for an attack in front of the bear. He was behind the bear...might as well get in a surprise attack and help out a bit, no? Rushing forward on quiet paws, Ifrit drew close to the polar bear's hind end and with an outstretched paw, raked his tiger-like claws across the bear's ankle, causing it to bellow in pain as flesh was torn away.
Ifrit has horns & longer fangs. These may not always be depicted in his Art!