
Go on, take your money and run


08-16-2013, 11:14 PM


Euphrosyne was relieved when Talon agreed with her, but she still saw his insecurity in his eyes. It was understandable, moving to a brand new pack out of the blue like this, especially when Euph was insecure about the whole situation herself. But, she was determined to make this as easy for him as she could. She was bringing him into this crazy life so she was determined to help him along with it as much as possible. She gave him a reassuring smile and licked the top of his head affectionately. "No need to worry. I promised I'd take care of you and that's exactly what I'm going to do."

She glanced down at his skinny form once again with that thought on her mind, knowing he needed a good meal in his system before she took him to back up to the north. "How about some food before we go?" she asked, turning her emerald gaze to their surroundings. The river beside them was the most obvious option for food nearby, so she padded over to the river's shore, carefully stepping out into the current. She watched carefully for fish to swim past her paws, her ears trained forward. She only had limited experience with fishing so when the first fish came to her the catch was very clumsy, but she managed to toss it over onto the shore with Talon. She caught three more fish for them, each one a little more sure of a catch each time. Happy with her job, she turned and climbed back onto dry land, shaking the water off of her legs and stomach before settling down to eat her share, but not before she gave Talon a smile and said, "Eat up! As much as you want. I can always catch more."
