
seen in a dream




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Pride - PansexualTeacherSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterWordy
12-19-2021, 05:27 AM

It was hard to truly bother Halo. She was the patient sort, likely why she was so good with puppies, and likely why she made for a good healer. Gentle as well, the girl regarded the taller boy carefully but softly. Every part of her was so incredibly soft. Maybe that softness was a weakness, but she wasn't fussed. In the scheme of the world, there were far worse things to be.

His enthusiasm was a balm to the nerves of the tenderhearted creature. "If you have any questions I can try to help answer them," her gaze was soft, starting to lead the way over the soggy ground. While not the most experienced healer, Halo was familiar with the way things her parent's nomadic band did things. "Do you want to talk about it?" Though Halo was a stranger to him, if he needed to clear his head, maybe she could help. Emotional support healer on duty, if you will.

"I'm Halo," she introduces herself in turn. Spirit, another name for the growing list she needed to keep inside her head. He was tall, but stepped lightly like she did. The pale girl walked beside him, gaze flickering for only a moment to his face. "It's nice to meet you." Her smile was meek, but genuine. As he asked what she was on the hunt for, the girl's tail twitched at her haunches. "Horsetail is what I'm mostly interested in, but I don't know if we'll find any out here. I um, I haven't been around for long, so I'm still learning where things are." Softly, Halo explained. When she didn't know exactly what to say, she had a habit of rambling. "If we're lucky, maybe we can find some trillium. I'd love to take some home with the roots intact to plant in my garden." Her words were gentle, filling the space between them. Halo looked curiously to Spirit once more, for just a moment. "Where are you from?" It's a gentle kind of curiosity. She was still learning about each of the packs, and the homes they kept. From there, her eyes tracked back to the ground, once more looking for her quarry.
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