
Back to Our Roots

Nomad Band



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

12-19-2021, 05:56 AM
Indigo was absolutely devastated for so long. He felt like his heart had been ripped out, wrapped in his soul, torn apart and then ignited to destroy any emotion that might be left. Indy was hollow, but most days that was better than feeling. The winter cold had frozen what was left of his heart, and Indigo felt like he had become stone by the time the sun returned and brought Spring back with it.

For a long time he wondered if it would be better that he died, but then Segin and Gypsy convinced him otherwise, reminding him that he was still needed. The greenery growing, the flowers that were blooming, the life that was returning to the world. All of it gently reminded Indigo who he really was. That he was far more than the shadow of a man he had become. That there was still life in the world, there were still lives in the world that needed him, not who he had become but who he was. Who he had always been.

For the first time in many seasons Indigo lifted himself to his full height at the sounds of Emersyn’s call. She had been the hardest on him, but she was the most realistic, and her stepping up to care for the band while he was… lesser.. Proved her loyalty and devotion less to him, but to the band as a whole. She could have left when her suggestion was not taken, she could have gone about her life, but she hadn’t. Emersyn stayed with them.

Indigo felt the sun on his back, smelled the floral scents in the air, he felt more alive than he had since Aslatiel scorned him. He could feel the hope rising in his chest, he could feel the life returning to his bones. A heavy sigh left him before he entered the clearing and made his way to Em and Segin’s side. A look of peace had replaced the look of horror that had seeped into his features. The spring season turned the page for the maned man, and he was finally shedding the guilt that had overwhelmed him.


Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.