
Deer Me, I hope my luck improves



Novice Hunter (15)

Advanced Fighter (80)

5 Years

LoserScarredUnderachieverThe Ooze Participant
12-19-2021, 06:11 AM
The deer was strong and refused to stumble and fall, even with two wolves latched on. From his position he couldn't see what the other wolf was doing, but after a few moments the deer let out a shriek of pain. Laith felt it's legs buckle underneath him, and not wanting to get squashed under the larger animal, promptly let go, using the deer itself as an object to push off of so he could land next to where the creature proceeded to fall flat on its face. But somehow it was still fucking alive.
Wasting no time at all, and not caring if the other wolf wanted to go in for the kill, Laith pounced forward to rip at the other side of its throat, easily able to get to the most tender spot even as it lashed out with its legs weakly. Blood profusely poured forth from the wounds he created, soaking his mouth and chin in a bright crimson red, and it was only when the deer stilled that he let go. He licked his lips, relishing the fresh taste of blood, and looked up at the larger male.
"Nice work with the uh... horns." Laith had noticed the strange gash in the deers' shoulder that definitely had not been there before they attacked, that and he could see a bit of red dripping from the points on the stranger's horns. It was still so fucking weird to see a wolf with horns, but he had to admit, they seemed pretty useful.
Without waiting for any sort of conformation, Laith began to dig right into the deer, ripping at the skin, muscle, and tendons of its underbelly to open up the inner cavity and get to where the delicious organs lay. He'd take a large chunk out of the liver and kidneys, but leave enough for the other male to have some if he so desired. He could be a right asshole most times, but he wouldn't have been able to take the deer down himself, and so would begrudgingly share the tastiest parts, lest he risk getting gored himself by those horns.
Laith is an M rated character, thread with him at your own risk!