
Sore ow ouch




Master Fighter (245)

Expert Intellectual (191)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantLoser
12-19-2021, 11:57 PM

Ciná listened intently as Aliana explained some things about how rest and relaxation was really the best cure, but other than that he should have some boneset and lavender oil massages to ease the muscle ache he was experiencing. He had to stop himself from making some kind of comment about getting a pretty lady like her to massage the oil in for him, stopping himself before he said something he'd ultimately regret—especially if it ended up getting back to Chimera somehow. The last thing he wanted to do was become an enemy of the King and get himself kicked out because of a quip like that. He knew there was really no reason for him not to just take it easy for a few days and let his muscles recover, but he just didn't want to so it sounded like he'd be paying her a visit pretty soon to get some of the herbs she prescribed. "Thanks, I'll do that," he said with a little nod and a while when she invited him to come by her study.

When she asked how his soreness was on a scale of one to ten and he rolled his shoulders again with a hum. "I guess about a four or so, maybe five when I'm up walking around. Just enough to be annoying really," he replied, flexing his toes a couple times. He was probably downplaying his aches a little bit, but he knew they weren't anything serious. If he wasn't so stubborn and so eager to be out and about again now that he had the freedom to do so then he'd probably just lounge around for a couple of days and be fine. "Nothing compared to what you're probably feeling," he mentioned with a chuckle. "I imagine carrying those pups around would probably make your legs really sore."

Cináed Praetor