
Blue Skies


08-17-2013, 04:04 AM (This post was last modified: 08-17-2013, 04:04 AM by Aeil.)

Aeil was definitely the type of wolf you would want to look for when something would be on your mind. She had the kind of personality that didn't judge, and if she did, it wouldn't be the type of thoughts that would take root in her mind for long. It was, perhaps, a good thing for Kamala to have run into Aeil that day. Some happy accidents happened when you least expected them to...this was probably one of those times.
The dark pelted fae listened with an open mind and heart as Kamala shared a tiny bit of her soul to her perked ears. Her attention was focused on the information the Princess relayed to her and it was quickly processed so she could give an appropriate response. The sadness that rang in Kamala's voice made Aeil want to approach her and give a comforting nuzzle. However, since they were strangers and had just met, it would be inappropriate. Instead, Aeil whimpered gently and her dark blue gaze held the same tender emotion as she met Kamala's own opts.
"I know that we have just met, but do believe me when I say that I am sorry you had to witness such an ordeal. No one should ever have to lose a parent, especially at the paws of the other." Aeil knew Gerhardt had a good heart and what he did was probably for the greater good. "Grieving is understandable and comes in many phases...and if you are still going through it, then your body is mentally and emotionally healing. It may not happen all at once, but you seem to be coping pretty well..." She gingerly kneaded biscuits in the ground with her front paws, moving each one slowly and at a steady pace. "As you go through it, and handle the responsibilities of being the Princess at this part of your life, you will get stronger..."
Aeil's voice faded and she slowly wrapped her tail around her legs, keeping them in a loose grip due to the heat. "I can tell that you wouldn't do anything to harm Seracia. After all, the kingdom is your family and you are one of the key components to keeping it as wonderful as it is now." She gently smiled and her dark gaze turned to light blue. "It will get better, Princess Kamala."
