
The Hangover

Lillith, Ulric



3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
12-21-2021, 12:05 AM

At some point during their wonderful night of drinking and lovemaking, Romulus had fallen asleep in a drunken haze of pleasure and love with Lillith snuggled up in his arms. Tucked away beneath the stars, auroras, and moon, the gentle rushing of the Lazuli Falls had put him right to sleep. When he woke up again, however, all those good feelings were replaced by head-spinning dizziness, a churning stomach, dry mouth, and regret. Well, some regret. When steel eyes slowly pulled open to find his beautiful alabaster goddess wrapped up in his arms, tucked into his chest and sleeping so peacefully, the blurry memories of what they'd done the night before came back to him. Romulus smiled. He could never regret the love they'd shared.

Although it would have been so easy to just close his eyes and try to go back to sleep until all the bad feelings went away, his body was aching for the comforting embrace of their bed. Sleeping on the ground while fatigued from a hangover wasn't exactly his idea of a good time, and yet moving felt like just as much hell. Even stretching his legs out made him groan in displeasure, body protesting his movements as joints popped. They had to get back home though. If Ulric caught them out with the weird apocalypse still going on and hungover, he'd have a conniption! As much as he didn't want to, Roman had to rouse his sleeping beauty.

"Liiiillith..." he whispered to her in a soft, sing-song voice. He nudged her cheek gently with his snout. "Hey, wake up, sleepyhead. It's time to go home."
