
Everywhere Reminds Me Of Home


08-17-2013, 12:00 PM
The slow, circling of the snow leopard was making Kar increasingly uneasy. He could see the amusement in her eyes, the joy in watching him shift to keep his eyes on her at all times. She was toying with him. The male shivered a bit, not at all liking the fact that he was being toyed with. Her murmered statement caused the wolf to flick his ears forward for a moment. Was she complimenting him or insulting him? Kar didn't like how her voice didn't betray her true feelings about him. 'I have the feeling I'm only here for her amusement now.' He thought. Part of him wondered what his mother, Annette, might have done in this situation. Would she have stood her ground? Would she have been toyed with the same way? Or would his mother have gone after the leopard once the initial attack ended?

Kar lowered his head a bit as displeasure crept back into the leopard's voice. Sleep. Kar remembered the howl he had loosed just before the snow leopard had attacked him. He frowned, lowering his ears a bit. He was going to speak, but then the female continued to speak. Kar honestly did feel a bit bad. Truthfully they had a couple things in common, being predators and all. Her gaze betrayed nothing to the male. She was watching him with intensity... but what she was really thinking was a mystery locked behind closed doors. Had she truly killed wolves before? Had she... Kar didn't want to think of that. The thought of one predator eating another made the young male feel queasy.

Once the circle was finished, and the snow leopard came to a stop, the gray furred male dipped his head. "Well... first of all I'd like to say I'm sorry for disturbing your sleep. I wasn't aware any of your kind lived in the area... I'm actually not from around here." Kar's lime green gaze lifted back to the snow leopard's. "I do hope you can accept my apology, ma'am. I'd be more than willing to find you something to eat, if you'd like."