
a quick lunch

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Advanced Healer (70)

Advanced Fighter (70)

4 Years

Ooh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantIt's a Miracle
12-21-2021, 09:11 AM
She squinted at the lager female, not exactly frowning, but her expression couldn't be mistaken for a happy one. Not resting a sprain wouldn't necessarily be the worst thing in the world, but it would lead to a longer recovery time, and more pain as the joint would be continually inflamed from use while it was still in its most injured state. "I'd say to stop using it unless absolutely necessary, even asking another wolf to hunt for you for at the very least a few days, maybe even a week for a really bad sprain, before slowly walking on it. Rest is the most important thing in healing a sprain." She nodded at the mention of lunch, her gaze returning back to the chipmunk. Right, food, then healing.
Inoki watched the chipmunk as it ambled over to the pear, her front end very slowly lowering into a partial crouch so she could better pounce when the time came for her to take action. "The name's Inoki," she said somewhat absentmindedly, her focus almost completely on the small prey before her. As soon as it looked to be nibbling at the spoiled fruit and not looking at its surroundings, Inoki pounced forward as silently and quickly as a viper striking, landing upon the chipmunk and snapping its neck with her jaws before it could get more than a shrill shriek out. Her tail waved behind her excitedly at the successful hunt, and she turned to face Cy, the corpse hanging in her jaws.
Right, the sprained ankle. She walked back to the tree she had been sitting under, taking little time to eat her kill in as few bites as possible. "That's a good strategy, I'll have to use it in the future." When she finished eating, Inoki licked her lips clean of the mess she had made, and began to lick clean the fur around her paws as she stared at Cy. "So have you been resting your ankle?"