
Let The Sun Touch My Face [AW]



Advanced Healer (70)

Advanced Fighter (70)

4 Years

Ooh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantIt's a Miracle
12-21-2021, 10:11 AM
Inoki was intrigued at the decision to have everyone in the pack learn at the very least the basics of healing. It made sense to her, everyone should know how to clean and bandage a scrape or stave off a sickness, but she hadn't heard of all the pack members being required to learn that knowledge. It was simply fascinating, and she found herself wondering if perhaps she might pay them a little visit in the future. She was very much a free spirit at heart, not wanting to be tied down to one place for too long, but perhaps she could be persuaded to stay to learn some things for a time.
"Who in the pack decided everyone should learn at least some form of healing?" Surely the alpha, but was it his mother, or another wolf he hadn't mentioned yet? She was distracted when Ardyn pulled out a strip of dried meat, feeling her mouth begin to salivate at the sight and smell of it. Inoki hadn't eaten anything that day yet, so the morsel of meat was as tempting as an entire deer to her in that moment. But being a gracious and somewhat respectful woman, she gently took the offered meat with her front teeth, taking care to chew with her mouth closed so as to not be rude. The sweet taste of honey was strong as she chewed it, and she closed her eyes in delight to savour all the different flavours. "Mmm, that is delicious! Thank you."
Her head cocked to the side curiously as she looked up at the larger wolf. He had so many hidden talents to go along with his unique physicality, and she was slowly finding herself to becoming quite enamoured with him. The idea of making her way to Valhalla's borders was looking more and more promising the more she thought about it. "Does everyone learn how to prepare meat in this way too? Or is that an area of specialty for you?" Inoki grinned up at him, only the slightest of mischievous glints in her eyes. There seemed to be so much she had yet to learn about this world, and Ardyn apparently knew it all. That could come in handy later for her if she played her cards right.