
a boost over heaven's gates

Carnage I


2 Years

12-21-2021, 02:30 PM

As the girl would walk steadily up the Volcano, she wondered if any of her other siblings would join... though unlikely. with the weird plague that were going on everyone seemed more distant and careful. She didn't mind much, as the days flew by she become comforted in her silence and her thoughts. Wolves were less likely to get on her last nerves and quite frankly, she was still figuring out her next moves. The pup quietly agreed to owe her and she couldn't wait to see the day. Though, it was clear it was all just for fun, she was proud to see that she witnessed his first kill. As the boy followed her up the Volcano he would take in the surroundings, looking in particular at the crystals. " You know, you came into the world at the most unusual time... those crystals aren't natural... they don't belong here." She would say shortly, though not explaining any further, perhaps this was the new world. Not as clean. He introduced himself and though was was aware of her siblings, their names didn't quite stick. She would stay silent for a little longer as she reached the top, checking occasionally if he were still there. Wendigo loved it up here, the illumious orange liquid brought him such joy, perhaps due to the chaos it could bring. As she were at the top, she tread carefully, carefully not to injure herself and wondering if it were a good idea to bring a pup so young. atleast he was occupied. " I'm Carnage Klein, your sister. It's nice to finally meet you, though be warned... your place has to be earned, not all the other siblings would be quite as welcome." She would pause, watching his reaction. " Especially if you could be seen as competition. "Carnage would shrug, she saw their family as a strong unit rather than competing and she wondered who from the second litter would gain their mothers favor